Bereisheet (Genesis): Bereisheet > Ch 5

The first ten generations

  • Adam        lived 130 years, had a son Seth, lived 800 more and had sons and daughters
  • Seth          lived 105 years, had a son Enosh, lived 807 more and had sons and daughters
  • Enosh        lived 90 years, had a son Kenan, lived 815 more and had sons and daughters
  • Kenan        lived 70 years, had a son Mahalalel, lived 840 more and had sons and daughters
  • Mahalalel    lived 65 years, had a son Jared, lived 830 more and had sons and daughters
  • Jared         lived 162 years, had a son Enoch, lived 800 more and had sons and daughters
  • Enoch        lived 65 years, had a son Methuselah, lived 300 more and had sons and daughters
  • Methuselah lived 187 years, had a son Lamech, lived 782 more and had sons and daughters
  • Lamech      lived 182 years, had a son Noah, lived 595 more and had sons and daughters
  • Noah          lived 500 years, had sons Shem, Ham and Japheth
  • Total number of years until Noah’s sons were born: 1556

Rashi Commentary

  • Why did Noah have children only at the age of 500 years? G-d did not let him have children until that time, so that Japheth, his eldest son, should not be liable for punishment before the Flood, as it is written (Isa. 65:20):“For the youth who is one hundred years old shall die.”
  • Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Now was not Japheth the eldest? [i.e., Why is he mentioned last?] But first you talk about the one who was righteous, born circumcised, and from whom Abraham was descended, etc. — [from Gen. Rabbah 26:3]

Research & Analysis




  • All patriarchs behind the 'Year 930' line were able to talk to Adam.
  • All patriarchs behind the 'Year 2006' line were able to talk to Noah about the pre-flood world.
  • Abraham was able to talk to Noah.
  • All patriarchs behind the 'Year 2158' line were able to talk to Shem about the pre-flood world.
  • Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were able to talk to Shem.
  • Abraham was born in the year 1948. The State of Israel was created in the year 1948.
  • Longevity significantly declined after the flood.